To Hungerian friends!!! There are still several places for Erasmus project. It’s on 15-24 May in Łódź (the city we live in) and it’s a  programme for Hungerian youth 15-25 years old (with Hungarian nationality). The programme is Mime Performance ‘Emotions without words’. All costs are on Poland’s side (journey, accomodation, food). This is the person to contact with: 
 Iwona Pachom
Foundation Euro Event
Youtube (International Youth Exchange):
+48 604 993 020

HOLIDAY! URLOP! Dear Clients! Sorry! We’re on a holiday from 14th till 27th of February. The customer service will be resumed and the orders will be taken care of when we come back. HOLIDAY! URLOP! URLOP! HOLIDAY! Drodzy klienci! Przepraszamy! Zamówienia złożone między 14 a 27 lutym będą realizowane po powrocie z urlopu! URLOP! HOLIDAY! Dismiss