Live video streaming was transferred on Saturday 18th and Sunday 19th of January 2020 from our 12 th Go-Now Weapon Championships in Historical Fencing in Łódź/Poland from field no 1 and and field no 2 (there were 7 fields). This year’s Championships were slightly different to the ones from years before. Before we had elimination day for all categories on Saturday and finals for all on Sunday. Due to renovation of the site where our finals usually took place, this year’s championships had eliminations and finals of an age category one day. On Saturday fought children and youth till 19 years old and on Sunday we had Women and Open category.

Just to remind you there were 7 different categories: up to 8 years of age, up to 10, up to 12, up to 14, up to 19, Women and Open in two competitions with Go-Now weapons: sabre and sword

You can see the broadcast also on TV LIVE NET

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