10th Poland’s Go-Now Weapon Historical Fencing Championships Manufaktura Łódź 2018


I’m sure you are prepared for the 10th gathering of warriors of different fencing systems: sports fencing, historical fencing, LARP sections, various clubs with different fencing techniques and people who simply just have pleasure and fun using Go-Now equipment. Contact us for further questions. Championships are in the centre of Poland in Łódź in January.



9th Poland’s Go-Now Weapon Historical Fencing Championships Manufaktura Łódź 2017



8th Poland’s Go-Now Weapon Historical Fencing Championships Manufaktura Łódź 2016



7th Poland’s Go-Now Weapon Historical Fencing Championships Manufaktura Łódź 2015


1st Open Championships in Traditional Fencing Fortess Modlin 2013

6th Go-Now Championships 2013


5th Poland’s Championships in Go-Now
Saber Cup of the Defenders of the Fortress Modlin 2012


We’ve met in Fortress Modlin on 10-11th of November 2012 to spend some terrific time together. Championships were hosted by Piotr Pawłowski – Jerzy Pawłowski’s ( saber fencer of whole times) son, Ryszard Rogowski – both representatives of Sport Club Fenix and Dariusz Wadowski (creator of the idea and Go-Now fencing system). The whole competition evolved into a very big event patronaged by Polish Fencing Associetion. The guest of honour was Jan Pośnik – advisor of the Minister of Sport in the Departament of Professional Sports. We were honoured with the presence of well-known professor Czajkowski – the authority of fencing theory and its teaching. As usual our metors were present: Zbigniew Skrudlik (the Olympic and World Championships medalist and a coach of the team gold medalists) and Wojciech Zabłocki (the Olympic and World Championships medalist). Among the great names of fencing society we were also showed up Marek Poznański (the famous Polish team coach), Ryszard Czaja (current coach of Polish saber fencers) and Adam Skrodzki (our former saber fencing Olympian). We were also joined by other fencers.
The guests and what’s even more important, also contestants, congratulated us on the event and the participants said they can’t wait till the next year’s meeting.
Plenty of bouts, judged by professional sport fencing referees, successfully ended for:
– adults – I st place Konrad Kramarz (Go-Now Łódź team), II nd place – Aleksander Frydrych (Salut), III rd place Rafał Kalus (Akademia Szermierzy), IV th place Szczepan Łakomy (PGE Salut)
– age category 14 – 18 years old – Michał Różycki, Aleksander Kamiński, Bartłomiej Maliszewski, Jakub Maliszewski
– age category 10 -14 years old – Emanuela Kołodziej, Nadia Kłos, Jan Ogiński, Hubert Stochowski
– age category up to 10 years old- Filip Majewski, Antoni Rudowski, Jan Gessel, Alicja Godlewska
During the games we relieved the tension through team contests.
Not only have we dueled from morning till evening, we also had some time for uniting the crews of different fencing groups 🙂
Thanks to 13th Regiment of Vilinius Ulans we could witness some fantastic horse and man skills show. But the most amazing was the show conducted by Dariusz Wadowski with his students with disfunctions. It drew full attention of the audience, surprised how joyful and full of therapeutic effects can be fencing for such people. Best competitors in Go-Now saber and in classic sport saber agreed to bout with our students with Down syndrome. It was very important event in lives of the last ones, as after all, they fought with masters among whom there was also a present Olympian! And for the contestants it was an enormous experience bordering with a shock.
We think these championships were a threshold moment and we want to invite everyone who’s keen on fencing to the next ones, which are going to be international.
Here are some moments caught in a brief coverage:


4th Go-Now Saber Championships in Łódź 2011


IV th Go-Now Saber Championships took place in Łódź and were entitled Familty Picnic with Fencing. We hosted well-known Olympians: Wojciech Zabłocki and Zbigniew Skrudlik and also the city’s official – Main Doctor of the City Office – Maciej Prochowski. We were media patronaged by Radio Żak. Sponsors: UM Łódź, restaurant network “Ganesh” and a company “Danak”.


3rd Go-Now Saber Championships 2010

2rd Go-Now Saber Championships 2009


1rd Go-Now Saber Championships 2008

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